Over thirty years ago a couple of guys, Don Bellingham and Brian McDonald, had a vision of a big game and sports fishing club to serve the Houhora area after Tank Barker caught a large Black Marlin while commercial fishing. The nearest fishing club dedicated to game fishing at that time was Whangaroa. In those days, nearly all game fishing was from a launch. Whangaroa was some distance to take a bill fish to be weighed if it was caught at North Cape or the Three Kings. The Whangaroa Sport Fishing Club negotiated to have a satellite weigh station at Houhora with the then owners of the commercial wharf. This got very little use as Houhora didn’t have a resident club at that time.
A broad cross section of the Houhora and Kaitaia areas met with the object of forming the HBGSFC (Inc). A multipurpose facility ready to cater for the needs of both big hame and sports fishing enthusiasts. The Club Constitution was signed in July 1990.
A huge amount of research into the feasibility and ongoing community support required was underway. The ideal result needed to include clubrooms, a boat ramp parking area and a jetty with weigh station. The concept of the facility was to be of a high standard. It needed to be suitable for a conference venue with restaurant, bistro and bar facilities as well as having a reception lounge (suitable for functions and weddings). It was hoped there would also be a trophy room, meeting room, and, ideally, housing for future search and rescue accommodation when necessary. As well as an ambulance station.
Such an ambitious project would have to be built in stages (six in all) to be affordable and achievable. The estimated cost of the project, at the time, was $1.4 M to complete stage 1 through to 4. With a commitment from the community to raise $150,000.00, a further contribution of $300,000.00 in donated materials, labour, services and machinery.
Consultations with Mangonui St John chairman Ivan Morton confirmed a need for a designated First Response Unit Ambulance station with garaging, training facilities, committee room and a provision for a Rescue Helicopter landing pad.
The ideal location was nominated at Monkey point with its spectacular views and access to the deep water. Resource consents, lease agreements, a change in the zoning and approvals from different groups (including the Far North District Council) were necessary to secure the land. The Far North District Council was, and has always been, very supportive of the Club.
The earthworks began soon after, with the construction of the public toilets, ambulance station, concrete boat ramp and wooden jetty. The fishing club building came some years later when funds were available to complete each stage. The Club’s major competition - the Annual Houhora One Base Tournament, was the major income earner. With so many entrants, a large marquee was erected to cope with the numbers prior to the main club rooms being completed.
Over the last thirty years the local community and Club members have been committed to supporting, promoting and maintaining the Club facilities. Including the Club owned wooden jetty, an essential part of the fishing club complex, with the wider community as well as Club members regularly using it for loading and unloading boats, fishing and swimming.
New Zealand's Most Northern Fishing Club
4046 Far North Road, Pukenui